- Congress people who are opposed to the high benefit packages and retirement programs for Federal Union employees fail to mention that they have even better ones themselves?
- Congress people that are so adamant about cutting what they call 'entitlement' programs forget that without an alternative, people will starve, lose their homes, and perhaps die? DO they have an alternative to offer? If so, why don't we hear about that? If not, do they just not care?
- Religious folk that a generation ago were concerned about feeding the poor, giving a voice to those people that couldn't speak for themselves, and social justice, are now obsessed with bedroom activities, restricting marriage benefits, restricting birth control and abortions and advocating that an entire class of people be second class citiziens
- No one seems to have any problem with a supreme court that rules that corporations have the same rights as individuals, and can donate huge sums of hidden money to the politicians of their choice.
- Politicians are allowed to voice misinformation about issues and facts and it is the media that is sanctioned if they question it? How can a politician make an outright lie and then excuse himself by saying that the lie 'was not meant to be a factual statement' later on?
- Fiscal conservatives can advocate a balanced budget that would bring spending back to 1970's levels when costs by private businesses dealing with the government are at 2011 prices. Could any of us go back to the salary levels of 1970 when gas was .35 a gallon and still pay 4.00 for that same gallon?
inquiring minds want to know. There must be some rhyme or reason to these beliefs. Educate me please.
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